When executed well, such as in contrast with black,adding white or silver to your design offers a modern and simplistic look.Again, look at Apple and Nike. Imagery Images work well on digital media, butthere are some points to consider. Firstly, audiences respond well to imageswith people in them. It helps create an emotional connection as campaigns aretargeted at real people and your imagery needs to reflect that. Introduction toGraphic Design: The Design Fundamentals Image quality is also very important.When customers are considering a purchase online, they want to be able toscrutinize images that give a high level of detail.
People often abandon ane-commerce site because the product image is not of a high enough quality tohelp them make a decision. When you choose images as part of a design, makesure they are high-definition HD and appropriate to the device your Find Your Mobile Number List audiencewill use. They should not be stretched or pixelated. Next, remember that mostweb traffic comes from a mobile device – so you must test your graphics onmobile to make sure they still look okay on smaller dimensions. If not,consider creating a separate version to display to people using mobile devices.Here’s a quick guide to the best image dimensions for different screen sizes:Banner Image: px wide and px long Slider: px wide and px long Icon: px wide andpx long Post/ Event: px wide and px long Portfolio: px wide and px long.

Typography What about the typography, or fonts you use? It’s important whenchoosing a font for your visual, not to try and do something wildly different.Readers expect to see familiar fonts, such as Arial, Helvetica, or Roboto. Usea maximum of two to three font families on a single webpage, and even fewer foryour ads and images. You should also consider using complementary fonts. Youcan combine ‘introverted’ and ‘extroverted’ fonts for balance. Or use adistinctive font with a ‘strong personality’ a display font and pair it withsomething more neutral and conservative like this example for Frank chocolate.Frank Chocolate: Pinterest Frank Chocolate: Pinterest What’s a font family? Afont family simply means a grouping of fonts defined by commonly shared designstyles. For example, Roboto is a family which has bold, italic, or thin styles.