To the electronic magazine Consultor Jurídica , Milton Temer said that he never took any initiative that could offend Jews or Semites, especially because he is a Semitic. "In the certainty of publishing this decision of the 6th Criminal Chamber of the TJ-RJ, I reaffirm myself firmly as an anti-Zionist, as a result of my anti-colonialist conviction", declared the former deputy. Reviews on Facebook In 2018, Israeli soldiers killed 17 Palestinians and injured 1,400 others in the Gaza Strip. On April 8 of that year, Milton Temer criticized Teresa Bergher on his Facebook and Twitter pages. "PATHETIC ZIONIST. Upon my return, I am informed that a second-rate councilwoman, spokesperson for Nazi-Zionism in Brazil, has been quoting me. SHE IS DEMANDING that my posts in support of the Palestinian people, and condemnation of terrorist policies of the State of Israel, under the population of occupied Palestine, be removed from Feicebuque. IF YOU CONTINUE to demand it.
Because wherever I am — if this platform gives way to the power of the Zionists — I will continue to defend the right of the Palestinian people to use even more than that slingshots to protect themselves from the over-equipped Nazi-Zionist army that commits continuous and incessant violence, both in the West Bank and in Gaza." In a criminal complaint, the councilor stated that Temer's statements were anti-Semitic. "By the way, by referring to the Israel Defense Forces as the 'Nazi-Zionist army for the occupation of Palestine' (whi Special Phone Number Data ch the reporter did not once, but several times, as will be seen later), Milton Temer mercilessly humiliates , the entire Jewish community, insofar as it compares the Army of Israel — the land of the Jews — with the military strength of National Socialism, a party known to be led by Adolf Hitler from 1921 until the end of the Second World War, and responsible for the greatest atrocities already committed against Jews and other minorities in history", said Teresa Bergher.
Click here to read the decisionJudiciaryTax As determined by Law 9,873/99 — which deals with the deadline for the exercise of punitive action by the federal public administration —, administrative procedures suspended for more than three years, pending judgment or order, are subject to prescription. Disclosure In a writ of mandamus, the judge recognized the prescription and canceled the customs fine Reproduction / CARF This was the basis adopted by judge Marina Gimenez Butkeraitis, of the 24th Federal Civil Court of São Paulo, to recognize the intercurrent prescription and annul a customs fine related to an administrative proceeding that remained for more than three years without judgment at the Tax Appeals Administration Council ( Carf).