It is certainly possible to make good quality recordings with your phone camera. Nowadays, manufacturers such as Apple, Samsung, Huawei and Sony spend a lot of time improving the camera. This does not mean that you can just take the phone out of your pocket and immediately start filming.
We are busy enriching our website with video testimonials. We always make these videos that we make at customers' locations with an iPhone. We do have a professional camera that we use for events, for example, but the germany phone number is ideal for recording shorter videos.
Follow the following 11 tips and make great videos with your phone yourself
1. Always film horizontally
We live in a world where everything is widescreen. Your television, your computer or laptop. Most images are also shown in widescreen on tablets. Therefore, always film in 'landscape' mode, i.e. horizontally.
If you do not do this, your widescreen video will have an extra black bar next to it.
2. Use a tripod
Use a tripod when filming. Filming with a phone in your hand makes the image move. This is not so disturbing with moving images, where you follow someone walking. But this is distracting during an interview or explanation in front of a whiteboard, for example. Provide a stable surface on which you can place your phone. Small movements can be very disturbing, especially when you take multiple shots. A tripod will help you with this.
Don't have a tripod? Be creative and make sure, for example, that you can lean your elbows on a firm surface to limit any movements.