his application even supports different version code types such as CSS + PHP and JavaScript + PHP. You can also check whether there are any errors in the compressed codes through the application. minifycode (, CSS and JS) – This online application can compress JavaScript, and CSS code types with just a simple click of a button .
There is also a separate application called beautifier on the site. This applicat Mexico Phone Numbers 90 Million List ion allows the compressed codes to be decompressed and thus checked.USING SCHEMA SAMPLE CODES AND ITEMPROPS Home page - Blog Using Schema Sample Codes and Itemprops - Onur Yazıcı What is Schema Markup? This concept, also known as schema or schema markup ; It refers to a common pool or library created by search engines such as Google , Yandex , Bing and Yahoo in The data, or rather the tags, belonging to this common pool are kept at schema.
org . Schema integration allows search engine bots to better interpret websites if used by relevant sites . That is, all websites will want to rank high in search engines. In order for a site to rank high, it must be well interpreted by search engine bots .